A review by ctgt
Lovecraft eZine issue 30 by Mike Davis


A good issue for those of you interested in The King in Yellow. It follows the familiar format, a monthly column, comic strip, a poem and a series of shorts. One of the shorts is The Yellow Sign by Robert Chambers so if you haven't read any this is a quick way to check out one of the stories from that collection. While I enjoyed The Masks of Hastur by Rick Lai, I guess I fall in the camp that prefers nothing added to the TKY mythos. This story really explores beyond what Chambers included in the original stories. I did love two other stories in this collection. Stairsie by Tom Lynch and No Mask to Conceal Her Voice by Michael Griffin are both fantastic stories that hint at Carcosa and TKY while not expanding the mystery that Chambers laid out in his collection. I'll definitely be checking out more by both of these authors.