A review by xosarahirene
Us, in Pieces by Christopher Green, Tasha Cotter


As the text begins, it seems that Adin and Lilly are star-crossed college meant-to-be-togethers, but Adin's lack of speaking up and Lilly's pursuit of settling down and establishing her children's book career made the two become a bit disconnected. The goal of this novel is to have the two find their way back to one another, amidst obstacles of doubt, divorce, job instability, family pressures, and the nagging voice inside their heads.

I did begin by rooting for Adin, but over time, I became a bit...concerned? with his obsession for Lilly. I am all for the lovesick turned to fairytale romantic ending, but for some reason, I was hoping for Lilly's independence amidst all the drama. However, the switching point of views, mixture of email, narrative, and texts, made this text structure interesting. Thank you for the ARC, #NetGalley.