A review by ivan_tw
Cthulhu's Daughters: Stories of Lovecraftian Horror by Molly Tanzer, Gemma Files, Angela Slatter


A fun Lovecraft comp, and t's great seeing a group of women decouple Howard's mythos from the unfortunate part of his legacy, but in general the stories were a little too beholden to the originals. It's rare to find a piece in his collection that could stand on its own, I can't imagine anyone who doesn't have prior knowledge of Lovecraft being able to pick it up and have a good time. That doesn't mean there weren't some cool ideas...'The Thing on the Cheerleading Squad' re-casts 'The Thing on the Doorstep' in modern day, and in general there are several of Lovecraft's originals cast through the lens of the female population, who were incredibly unrepresented in his original stories. But this is still a collection for hardcore Lovecraft fans only.