A review by schenkelberg
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks


Firstly, my three-star review is unrelated to the content of this book. It took me a significant time to read because its really been a while since I worked my way through some heavy academic text - and that's what this is. I have high hopes for Feminism Is For Everybody, since that text aims to be more accessible.

Nonetheless, I felt that the work of reading through this text is absolutely worth it, and of all the books I read (except maybe The Color Purple, which I will be teaching), it has prepared me the most for teaching English 12: Language and Gender at my school for the first time. hooks has powerful, articulate arguments, goes face-to-face with criticisms and refuses to back down or shy away from them, and remains consistent in her definition of feminism and its aims and goals. I really really appreciated reading something on this topic that is so clearly stated, once I was able to become comfortable with the academic text complexity.

This book is more relevant than ever, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn more about the origins, the schisms, the constant battles, and the goals of feminist movement.