A review by karieh13
Defending Jacob by William Landay


The comparisons I’ve seen of “Defending Jacob” and “Presumed Innocent” are valid ones – but not for the reason I would have thought at first. True, the stories involve a prosecuting attorney embroiled in a murder that ends up hitting far too close to home…but more accurately for me, they are similar in that the main character in each remains emotionally closed off to the reader. It becomes increasingly obvious that there is something the main character, in this case Andy Barber, does not want the reader to know. There is some piece of the puzzle that he has that the reader does not.

“Like many people who have been exposed to violence, I confined my emotions within a narrow range. Never too high, never too low. Since I was a kid, I have always made sure of that. My emotions ran on steel rails.”

A classmate of Andy’s son Jacob is murdered, Andy begins working on the case…and then his son Jacob is arrested for the crime. Andy and his wife Laurie are completely blindsided by the charges and they are forced to look more closely at their son, their family and themselves as parents. There is no going back to the life they thought they led once the events are set in motion, and through Andy’s eyes, the reader is given a very tightly controlled view of his world.

“I thought it was important to be – at least to seem – a tower of strength and to encourage her to be strong as well. It was the only sensible approach: Tough it out, get through the trial, do whatever it takes to keep Jacob safe, then repair the emotional damage later. After. It was as if there was a place called After, and if I could just push my family across to that shore, everything would be all right.”

But of course, nothing is all right. The isolation, the doubt, the grief and worry eat away at Laurie and undermine Andy’s view of his role as a husband and father. They are forced to confront so much in the face of few facts and fewer insights into their son. Andy and Laurie’s happy marriage soon becomes a distant memory. Both Laurie and Andy wonder what parts of themselves are actually true and which parts are facades.

“All that ease, all that naturalness, all that credulous self-confidence. For years I had studied men like Burt French, despised them, copied them.”

I did wonder why the story was set in 2007. With the constant mentions of Facebook, Twitter and various I devices, it felt like it was set in present day…yet the events take place 4 years ago. I wasn’t sure why that was important, why the author made that choice when the story seems one that would work just as well in 2011.

“Defending Jacob” is a good legal thriller – a good version of “What If?” Because of Andy’s very careful doling out of facts, the reader remains engaged as the end draws closer, as the truth very slowly and carefully becomes clear.