A review by mlawlit
The Billionaire and the Virgin by Jessica Clare


This was the first book by Ms. Clare that I've read and I know it won't be the last.

Rob and Marjorie could not be more different.  Rob is president of a network that is basically Girls Gone Wild around the clock.  Marjorie likes playing BINGO, shuffleboard and hangs out with older people.  She believes in the goodness of people and could not be more different from Rob.

Opposites attract and all that?  Correct?  Sort of.  After saving Rob from drowning, he becomes completely enamored with her and becomes hell-bent on getting to know her in every way he possibly can.  Which, of course, means getting her naked ASAP.

Marjorie decides that she needs to step out of her normal persona and sex it up.  What ensues is one of the most effed up first dates EVER.  Marjorie has some serious wardrobe issues and Rob is totally acting like some kind of robot.

Honestly, I began to question whether or not I'd be able to enjoy this book.

My fears were allayed.  Rob and Marjorie finally decide to be exactly who they are and at that point, I really started to enjoy seeing how these two very different people complemented each other and how they pushed each other to be comfortable in their own skin.  Rob has a less than stellar reputation (completely of his own making) but through Marjorie, he begins to see how hurtful what he does can be.

This must be stated.  The V card taking scene in this book was one of the most detailed and best I've ever read.  The care that Rob takes with Marjorie is staggering.  You don't always get that kind of feeling in a scene where one of the characters is a virgin.

As I said before, this was my first book by Ms. Clare but I ran over to Goodreads and added her Billionaire Boys Club series (loosely connected to this series) to my TBR pile.  I'm looking forward to reading those and I'm definitely looking forward to the next book in the Billionaires and Bridesmaids series.



This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews