A review by squishies
No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished by Rachel Aaron


I have realised something with Aaron's books: her story lines are great, I have no issues with where the story goes. What I do have an issue with is her characters.

Marcia is like a muted version of Miranda (from [b:The Legend of Eli Monpress|11754293|The Legend of Eli Monpress (The Legend of Eli Monpress, #1-3)|Rachel Aaron|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1442858925s/11754293.jpg|16704401]), whom I had bouts of complete and utter dislike for, so I wasn't too surprised I never really warmed up to Marcia either.

Julius, I have grown to put up with - to be honest, there's nothing wrong with him and it definitely felt like he's grown as a character, but there's something about him that isn't very engaging for me.

Together, and the way they carried on, just made me... annoyed. I guess if I was emotionally invested in them, I wouldn't have gotten so annoyed as I did at the end (
SpoilerI should have been horrified and sad that Marcia died, but I wasn't. I had to skim through her death scene, where she took Ghost's hand right at the last second *eye roll*, and Julius' rage because I felt so exasperated instead. On the other hand, I didn't want Amelia to die at all - she was the cool one I enjoyed reading about in spite of her alcoholism. Dang it.

I wish Bob was in it more, but I guess the stage was set and he couldn't do much. Chelsie has definitely become my favourite character to read at this stage. She is infinitely more interesting than Julius and Marcia combined... and probably the only reason why I'd want to read the next instalment.