A review by ficklefever
Burn for Burn by Jenny Han, Siobhan Vivian


lol what even happened
like am i supposed to believe this is a paranormal-ish story now? i entered into this hoping for some light-hearted #gurlpower revenge action and then it got...kinda...weird...

but okay, here's the deal. surprisingly dynamic characters with more than some flat-faced stereotyping (although i felt least sympathetic to mary, despite her story being ostensibly the most reader-engaging). interesting premise. i reaaaaally wanted to love it.

at the end of the day, though, i was left feeling kind of empty. like, what's up with these guy characters? do i love them or hate them? are there any other likable girls outside of our 3 female MCs? what the heck is mary???

that being said. i still want to read #2. because i just HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH LILLIA AND LINDY