A review by _booksanddogs_
Courting Trouble by Kathy Lette


3.5 stars
I found this book quite original in it's story as I have never heard or read anything like it before, I found it to be very funny and entertaining in some parts but also quite annoying and frustrating in others.

The fact that the story was based around a rape case made it interesting but also a bit weird as Kathy tried to make it sort of humorous. I found it engaging though in the sense that I learned a lot about how the legal world works and it would be interesting to see how much research was actually done on rape cases and trials.

The fact that the story does involve the context of a young girl being raped is quite confronting at times but it also does prove a lot of points in the sense that it is a problem that is becoming much more common in poor societies and that many girls are subject to it and can't do anything to help themselves get out of the situation, especially when drugs are also involved.

I loved the feminist views and belief that was involved throughout the book, and as my values are quite similar I really liked that I could read a book from a feminist's point of view. Some of the one liners are also hilarious, I laughed out loud so much it was such a unique but interesting and wonderful read.

Matilda's character annoyed me a lot throughout the book, she came across as very selfish and self centred. Throughout the serious parts of the book she would continue to think about herself and I found those parts very hard to get through at times as she just frustrated me so much.

The other characters however got me through the book. I absolutely loved Roxy and her strong independent values, she made me want to work towards being that way as well.

I would read a sequel if Kathy wrote one, I just hope Matilda isn't the narrator next time.

Courting trouble was a very interesting and unique read, parts of it are quite confronting and hard to get through but if you like a book in which there is a strong heroin and women are in control this book is for you!