A review by goodxgirl9238
Her Secret, His Child by Tara Taylor Quinn


Her Secret, His Child is the story of Jamie Archer and her daughter who have made a good life for themselves in a college town in Texas where she’s an accountant. However there happy life together becomes threatened as Kyle Radcliffe shows up in town, pleasantly surprised to find the woman he spent one wonderful night in Vegas with at his lowest point as his new accountant, just as Ashley begins asking about her missing father and the past that Jamie tried so hard to hide and forget begins to bubble up.

Tara Taylor Quinn handles her subject matter gracefully using the extra length the Super-Romance title gives her to fully explore the relationships and characters she has presented us along with a great sub-plot focusing on Jamie’s best friend that eventually plays a part in solving the driving conflict of the book. While some of the situation and past presented to us is cliche, the reactions involved are realistic and cause the problems you think they would in real life and allows our two main characters to realistically deal with it and come out stronger without making said issue suddenly irrelevant.

As you can tell I am actually trying very hard not to spoil anything here because it is something I really think you should read for yourself.

I am not totally sure when Harlequin began doing mini-series (probably ages ago) but apparently this is a part of the “A Little Secret” series though it doesn’t seem to connect to anything in particular throughout. Perhaps its just the first in a series, nothing to connect to yet, who knows. Very unlikely that I can track down any others in the series to see how it goes.

The major conflict of the story comes in two arcs and mostly revolves around Jamie’s past and how it effects her self-esteem and her relationship with Kyle. For me the books strong points are how well-written and three-dimensional the characters are. While they do fit the roles of the average Harlequin novel, it’s a staple of the genre but you could also see these characters in something other then a genre romance and if given more space this kind of storytelling could move from genre romances to full on independent single titles. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the past twenty years she has moved on to single title romances.

The book deals with its subject matter in a mature manner but its limited viewpoint of the subject is one-dimensional and prejudiced unfortunately which does mean losing some points for its one dimensionality. I’m not sure if it’s the time or the limits of the time or the genre but still its something that I wish I could have seen done here even if I understand why the perspective on the issue was written the way it was for the sake of the storyline.

The ending of the book while happy did leave some things unresolved and I would have preferred for them to continue on with it for another fifty or so pages to resolve it and then put in the happy ending. Her Secret, His Child was, overall a well written book with some flaws that can be attributed mostly to the nature of what kind of book it is and prejudices that are still around today. I would give this book 3 hearts out of 5.
