A review by cobycoyle
Found by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


Ugh, I only like this epilogue series for the nostalgia factor and a few of the new aspects it provided. I think it’s ridiculous at the end where they’re like “let’s come to this world once a year!” As if that should have been a thing. Come on. And Kevin with Shaunee is just weird and feels like “Other” Shaunee was just thrown in as an after thought. And the traitor army being turned into 5 year olds? Ridiculous. The fact that “Other” Neferet somehow killed immortal Neferet, and then Nyx just poofing her away? Like okay, why wouldnt you just do that shit in the first place then. Also that was too easy.

On the other hand, seeing “Other” Neferet get redemption and turn back into Emily was nice, it reminded me of the facing yourself that happens in the Persona video games. And I will always, always be happy to see Stark (not James. Stark) in any capacity soooo.