A review by caitann
Son of the Storm, by Suyi Davies Okungbowa


Not only is there so much to love here, but so much to marvel over. The depth and scope of the African-inspired world Suyi Davies Okungbowa has created is truly stunning. I’m still in awe of the level of politics, magic, and history he’s woven in here, especially when considering how all of that so powerfully pairs with the commentary on/themes of privilege, prejudice, colonialism, and belonging that steer the story. I did wish for more on the characters; while all of them are undeniably fascinating and complex, I couldn’t help but crave more chances to connect with them on a deeper level BUT fully recognize I have sort of lofty expectations when it comes to this, and it was only a small thing anyway (for instance Danso is everything I love in a fantasy character but I couldn’t help but feel there was still room to love him more, though the ending definitely started to close that gap and by the next instalment I’m sure I’ll be head over heels…it’s weird to explain) - regardless! Most of the emphasis in this first book is on the worldbuilding (which defs pays off, don’t get me wrong) and therefore only makes me even more excited for book 2, because you can tell there’s still so much to explore, and it’s gonna be so good. This series will definitely be a gem to add to every fantasy fan’s collection - I can’t say that confidently enough!!

Also, I definitely recommend checking out this note the author has written that thoughtfully and thoroughly addresses a valid concern from another reader about a certain terminology used in the book: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3922985497. Very helpful for context!!