A review by sherlocked_24
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf


So just to be clear..the extra star is because i’m studying literature and i honestly feel guilty for not loving this book. I mean its THE Virgina Woolf for god sakes.
This was my first Virgina Woolf experience and i really just couldn’t connect with her work! Thanks to my studies, i end up reading a ton of different genres and authors, i adore classics but this was by far my worst experience!
I knew what to expect when i dived into “To the lighthouse” I read the beginning thrice because i wasnt sure what Woolf was trying to convey to the reader! It isnt a regular book and stream of consciousness is not an easy concept to grasp or appreciate. But this was just awful...i get it, its not supposed to have a plot as such, and its all about the interior thoughts that pass through the character’s mind. The characters blended into one another which made it difficult to comprehend the elaborate and vague thoughts. They were haphazard and abrupt. Moreover, the characters were insufferable. I was desperately waiting for something to happen, for some sort of respite from the stagant setting, but nothing happened!! I guess my thought process didn’t match with that of the author’s.
I will give “Mrs Dalloway” a try, hopefully its better than this one!