A review by ana_315
Ecstasy by K.V. Rose


4.75 ★

what the actual fuck? what did i just read and why did it keep me so interested at all times? that alone is enough for me to give it such a high rating because it’s not a frequent occurrence. another point for making me hate a character so much, Eli i’m talking about you. i don’t even know if i actually hated him tho, or if he just creeped the heck out of me. i could picture him so clearly, all the rage, all the thoughts and behaviors towards Zara, and the “smiles” at the end… gave me the chills like only a few things have done before. and i don’t think i’ve ever read about a literal psychopath before. would definitely repeat the experience but damn… a truly good character in terms of what it can do to the reader. then, another point for Alex’s arc. i liked him from the beginning, even though he obviously had real issues himself, but seeing him try to overcome some of his personality traits just for Zara’s sake is a real indicator that everything he said to her towards the ending was actually meaningful. and he felt like he could actually be a real person, in real life. i can say the same about Zara and Eli. i knew he would eventually be portrayed as the good guy (and i’m talking about all the allegations that were made against him) and now that i think about it, i can somehow see myself in him and relate to his behavior (in some instances). as for Zara, i can’t say i liked her all that much, but the ending seems perfect for her story (especially the last page, i was really glad she got her somewhat of happy ending) and also for the story overall.