A review by lynnski
The Doll Harvest by Ron Savage


One can’t pick books based solely on a national best seller list and expect to read all the great books out there. There are MANY more that don’t make that list that are wonderful books. Honestly, I don’t even follow those lists anymore. I’ve never been into popularity contests anyway – I like what I like. And what do you know……I like “The Doll Harvest” by Ron Savage. It might not make it onto a list, but it is worth the read.

The cover of this book gives the impression that it would be in the horror genre, but it’s not. So if you are like me and don’t read horror, you’re safe with this one. It’s not a “who done it” either – you know who the good and the bad are right from the start. It is suspenseful though and does keep you reading later than you wanted because you don’t want to put it down without knowing what happens next. Luckily, the chapters are fairly short thus providing good stopping points. It’s just a matter of actually putting it down when you come to one.

There are a couple intertwined story lines in this book but the main one focuses on the kidnapping of a young lady. She’s not taken for ransom money, or sex trafficking, or even just for the pleasure of the kidnapper. She’s taken to harvest her body parts to sell on the black market. Disturbing right? I hope to God there is no such thing in the real world because it would be very scary to know there are doctors and patients out there willing to pay whatever it takes for a body part, knowing it’s not something you can just grow on a farm or in a lab (although that could be the case in the future). They have to come from someone…..someone who just died.

Thank you to Driven Press for providing me with a copy of this book in return for an honest review. I wish this author great success.