A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Bitten By Deceit by Shawntelle Madison


This novella turned out to be a really hard one for me to rate. While the writing voice in this story was very strong. Nothing about the characters reached out to me and pulled me in. For the most part I search for unique and sexy shifter stories. When I saw one that looked unique I grabbed up this one.

However, there was something about it that just didn't quite reach out to me as a reader. The characters, although flushed out and sound in their personalities and reasoning didn't make me care for them. Nothing about Emma really made me go, "Oh, I get her." Mostly I got a whole lot of disloyalty to someone that was supposed to be her mate all for the sake of not making waves.

The mild background peaks we have into the couple sort of gives us an idea that they were doing ok. Then this Liam dude comes out of the wood work to challenge him.

See, this my issue with most werewolf books. They make werewolves look like white trash and easy to turn on each other. The rest of the pack easily brainwashed by said disloyal member. I don't like that. I believe based on research done by wolves in the wild that this whole white trash concept flies in the face of how half human breeds would act.

Yes, I just got discovery channel on you all.

Then we are brought to the romance.

I get this is novella.

Its hard to really sell a romance in 20k words. However, if you don't think you can sell it, then write a full length. Because you didn't sell this 'five seconds ago I hate you, now I'm humping you while you are dying of the werewolf equivalent to rabies.' Erm--nah that doesn't work.

I wasn't even quivering in lust at any of the sex scenes I just kinda read through it and went, "Oh, they humped, good for them."

The author as a whole is a strong author, I believe in this case it was just personal preference on my part in my inability to enjoy the story. I encourage those that enjoy shifter book to read this, it is unique and original.

*I received a copy of this book via Shawntelle Madison via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*