A review by destany
Clipped by Lynn Rush


I was given an ARC of this book from the author for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

After dealing with her controlling pseudo mate, Trinity is living in the human realm and learning as she goes with her chosen Bolentian family and her Jayden - and it's flippin' sweet how she always calls him "My Jayden." In this book, her Jayden get a big art show (from painting Trin and her gorgeous wings) and the gang is off to the big city, where danger lurks and new friends show up. But are they really friends?

I wasn't a fan of Trin and her Jayden being separated for the majority of the book. but it had to happen to introduce "the big bad," and for Trinity to realize her worth to everyone, not just her cousin or Jayden. And that ending! *swoon* I can't wait for book 3!