A review by maplessence
East Lynne by Mrs. Henry Wood, Elisabeth Jay



I nearly gave up on this title, but I was reading this as a group read & Charlene (one of the moderators of the Women's Classic Literature Enthusiasts) encouraged me to carry on - & I'm very glad I did.

This is an interesting book. Wood I think has a naturally engaging writing style and used a lot of dialogue to drive her narrative forward. One of the main problems for me was that even allowing for Lady Isabel's start in life with a very selfish father, is her sickliness and determination to take the worst possible view of other characters actions - except for the person she really should be wary of!

By the middle of Part Two the unrelenting misery was getting to me a bit and if it hadn't been a group read I would have made this a DNF. And this would have been a pity as this book is not only about Isabel and her elopement with the dissolute Francis Levison.

But the third part ties things together really nicely! The boredom I felt in the middle had made me forget that there was also a murder mystery in the first part. It becomes very obvious who the murder is but
Spoiler I did enjoy reading him getting his comeuppance - and a ducking!

Of course in this age, Isabel must pay for her crimes against society. But although improbable this part does have some touching moments.

Illustration from my copy

I don't think I will read another Wood title, but I'm glad to have read her most popular title. It shows an interesting take on Victorian morality.
