A review by curiosityboughtthebook
Dire Branches by Brian Fatah Steele


Also reviewed on www.curiosityboughtthebook.com

Imagine you are booking a nice weekend getaway without your brother and your best friends. The destination is a beautiful and huge cabin in the Appalachian foothills, and you packed enough food and booze to make this one memorable trip for all. Having recently broken up with your girlfriend, you find out the owner is a drop dead gorgeous woman named Marina. But soon you figure out something isn’t quite right with either Marina nor the house. It might just be that Baba Yaga is now haunting your nearly perfect vacation…

I absolutely breezed through this book. It took me about two days to finish it, which is pretty fast for me. It is highly entertaining and Steele has a way to suck you in straight away.

The book is filled with folklore, drama and gore! It took about the first 40% of the book to get to the good parts, but I rather enjoyed getting to know the characters and getting the gist of the story. I’m a big fan of mystical folklore, and Dire Branches hit the spot!

A big thanks to the publisher for the review copy.