A review by aboutthatstory
From This Day Forward by Lauren Layne


This was awesome! It was short and sweet and packed a punch. I loved it! Great introduction to the series.

I really liked Leah and Jason. I enjoyed the story of their history and was invested from the start. Great animosity happening and so much chemistry between the two. Loved the sexual tension that was building and really loved the anticipation of them reconnecting again.

I thought it was a well rounded, fast paced novella with an excellent story and writing, interesting characters, a bit of drama, emotion, and heat. Perfect combo!

I liked the other characters that were introduced that were part of the Wedding Belles making me excited for what’s to come next in the series. This was my first Lauren Layne book and it will not be my last. This novella was the perfect way to be introduced to a new-to-me-author because I definitely want more.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.