A review by saralynnburnett
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman


I'm so glad that I read this before even thinking about having kids! It was a fun read and I learned a lot. I am def. a fan of French philosophy when it comes to raising children. Or I should say 'educating' them. There were several parts in this book that made me laugh out loud - and it might turn some readers off that a lot of those parts are about American parents. But if you're an American, and you're reading this novel - face the facts! You see the craziness going on all around you, all the time. And I can attest to the truth behind it. As a middle school teacher I have ENTIRELY too many interactions with the students' parents, and see exactly what the pitfalls of being overly protective and overly pushy can be. The funniest part was Druckerman's observations of American parents on the playground - narrating every moment of their child's play. "weee, you're going down the slide! yay! you picked a blade grass!" Too funny. No wonder my students deserve an A just for handing something in.

Read this book if you're thinking of having kids - read this book if you have infants/toddlers - read this book if you want to laugh - read this book before it's too late!