A review by mishale1
The Midnights, by Sarah Nicole Smetana


Susannah and her father have a bond through music. Her entire existence is connected to music. Her parents actually met at her dad’s concert, his biggest hit was about her mother and Susannah knows her dad quit the band when her mom got pregnant.

Susannah loves music too. She loves nights spent writing and playing music with her dad. They have a connection that Susannah just doesn’t have with her mom.

Her dad definitely isn’t a perfect person and he’s not always a great father or husband.
And her parents fight a lot. They were even fighting the night Susannah’s dad died.

When she lost him, everything changed practically over night.

When Susannah finds herself at a new school she connects to the music crowd.

Soon the old Susannah is barely recognizable. She starts doing things she probably never would have done before her dad died.

I think the reader is supposed to feel bad for Susannah but also like her.
I can’t help it, I didn’t like her. I really wanted to. I definitely did feel bad for her. I know she was just trying to cope.
But she was often the hardest on the people who loved her the most. She was really not a good friend. She seemed to take out her aggressions on the ones who would listen.

I know I’m in the minority. I know most people gave this book 4 or 5 Stars. Maybe you’ll love it. But I just had a hard time dealing with Susannah’s actions throughout this book.