A review by cheesehead_reader
How Not to Die Alone by Richard Roper


Hmmm... I liked the overall idea of the story. Andrew has a job that I had not heard of before. He goes in when someone dies alone (sometimes not found for months) and has to determine if there is any money or family that will help the state pay for the funeral/burial costs. Andrew is rather sweet with his job because he remembers those he has worked for and attends the funerals (usually the only person there). But Andrew is hiding something in his real life and lying about it. Where will all this lead?

As I said I really liked the overall idea for this story but there were just a few things in the execution that kept me from becoming totally engrossed in it. I felt that the segways between chapters were sometimes disjointed and I had to go back to read the last few paragraphs/pages to see if I had missed something. And I felt that Andrew's lie went on a bit too long and once out the story was wrapped up rather quickly. But overall I liked it and would definitely look for more by this author.