A review by izcanbeguscott
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer

informative medium-paced


This is Kinzer paying penance for past mistakes, as he was a pr-eminent stenographer of the US government during the Reagan era. He was skewered in Manufacturing Consent for his baffling willingness to just repeat whatever bullshit the CIA fed him.

This book pays some of this back with a pound of flesh - Kinzer shows how the US cannot stop itself for meddling in foreign affairs, and the way it almost always ties back to capital. It is definitely just an introduction; this text basically dips its toes into the conflicts at hand and gives you a broad overview of what happened, so I would use it as a reference guide. Think one crime against humanity and blatant colonial chicanery is particularly interesting? Explore further with local authors and people who dedicated their life to it. Otherwise, this book will allow you to understand a little bit why certain places in the world are the way they are now.