A review by saursi
Out of the Dark by David Weber


It was standard Earth gets invaded by advanced aliens fair at first. I liked the concept that a spacegoing race used to attacking pre-industrial civilizations may have tactics that don't hold up against a contemporary army. The book had a lot of 2nd amendment porn and self congratulatory references to how good it was that the US had more guns than citizens. I was 90% of the way through the book expecting to rate it a solid 3 stars. Then it turns out that the heroically tragic Romanian Hero we have been following was actually Dracula and he desperately didn't want to give in to his dark side. What follows is a small group of vampires wiping out bases and enemies that the bulk of the book had humans barely scratching. This followed by the vampires hitching a ride holding to the outside of landing ships before hijacking enemy dreadnoughts and destroying the entire fleet.