A review by 8little_paws
The Sunken Cathedral by Kate Walbert


So I really liked this short book. It's not really a traditional novel as in it isn't plot driven whatsoever and the perspective changes from chapter to chapter, with some narrators having only a few pages, this reads more like microfiction about people all living in Chelsea and recognizing that the community they felt they belonged to is disappearing. It's like a series of reflections on the passing of time and the changes of the city and losing that feeling of belonging. There are a lot of footnotes, which go into the character's back stories and personal thoughts and normally I find footnotes annoying but I enjoyed the meandering, winding way the author wrote this, like different veins branching out from one heart. I think she does a lovely job composing sentences that really say a lot with just a few words. Apparently this book wasn't most readers cup of tea, but I feel like this is a book I'd return to.