A review by sueread2030
The Wrong Bride by Catharina Maura


If you do not know the meaning of "insecurities" and you want a demostration, this book is it

Raven (cry me a river) cries and sobs 65 times in the book because she can't come to the understanding that her husband is choosing her over her sister even though he said it over and over and over and over

Ares (couldn't help cringe a little everytime she moaned his name) says to his SUPERMODEL wife "I don't want another man touching you" "don't do exercise with any man" "no photo shoots with any man" "ME Ares You Raven"
Maybe she should have modled via Zoom!!

And how can you be with someone 5 years, begging them to be with you, waiting to get married then say "I stayed with you out of obligation!"
Yes Hanna lied but come on dude! Are you this blind?
And when he said at the end "I knew you were cheating on me but didn't care"

And the Grandma?!
I come from a ME family but even I shuddered at how manipulative she was in this arranged marriage!

Anyways, 2 stars for Raven standing up to her bitch of a mother and sister through out the book