A review by youfelinedevil
Ripple: A Predilection for Tina by David Cronenberg, Dave Cooper


maybe im missing something but like... I feel like readers are putting all this stuff on tina that might not even be there?? and it seems like the point is like here's this guy who is not seeing her, is incapable of seeing her. So maybe it's appropriate that cronenberg compares her to lolita, bc humbert was forever incapable of seeing through himself to her. also doubly appropriate bc cronenberg is like she's sexy she's earthy she's scary and I'm like... she's probably a kid. our protagonist realizes this and it doesn't really seem to bother him. I don't even know if thisis a spoiler bc you can see it coming. arriving.

in general I am very much over this whole weird freakout men seem to have about sex, as if they're the first to notice it's dirty or goofy or whatever. your thesis about how demeaning and surreal and disgusting it is doesn't make you an envelope pushing intellectual, it just makes you a nerd puritan. maybe you've been allowed to indulge too much and now you're bored, idk. inevitably you drag women into it bc we're the ones you want to fuck and the whole thing manages to become misogynistic on top of everything else.

I feel like I can't rate this bc I don't know where the authors coming from. does he sympathize with the protagonist? are the ironic things meant to be ironic? does he buy his own bullshit?