A review by raychelbennet
The Fiend in the Fog by Jess Faraday


This was a fun read. To be honest, it was nothing like I expected. But that can be fun sometimes!

The Fiend in the Fog follows two groups of people. Abigail and Gideon are betrothed and together run a free clinic. By day Gideon is a doctor, but by night he is something else. That is, unless Abigail can continue to procure a strange elixir that postpones the transformation. Nat Eisenstadt is an alchemist and academic attempting to publish his research after an expulsion from University. He has a relationship with Dr. Jin Wylie (who apparently has a *snatched* waist) that we do not know many details of. Nat's sister, Meg, is a budding suffragette interested in many social causes. How are all of these people connected when they follow drastically different paths in life?

I enjoyed the queerness of this book the most. While there were occasionally some raised eyebrows, the gay individuals (of which there are a surprising number!) are largely left to their own devices. There is a fun smattering of individuals of different ages, classes, abilities, and educations. The part that fell short for me was the mystery aspect. I thought it was a bit too obvious, in my opinion. I liked the monster element though! Still a quick, entertaining read.

**I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher!