A review by ivonanesicc
Purity by Jonathan Franzen


”You're merely an object that people project their idealism onto or their anger.”

after ten long days reading this book, many breaks in between and some skipped parts i have finally finished it. it’s a long psychological fiction novel, which, in a way made me feel many emotions while reading it.

i was debating whether to rate it or not, because i am torn on how to feel about this book, it made me go from zero to million in instant, so i will settle on 3⭐️ rating. when i found this book in store and read summery, not going to lie, i was pretty enthusiastic about diving into it. jonathan’s writing style is appreciable and solely on that, i enjoyed it. i think he is great storyteller and how everything clicked by the end of the book, how every character in one way or another, was somehow connected to the other and storyline. it really shows how world is so small.

"It'd be nice to be able to just dip inside their heads, just for like two seconds, and make sure everything's ok-just be sure that they're not thinking some horrible thought about me that I have no clue about-and then I could trust them."

now, this book left me conflicted. no matter how much i’ve enjoyed some parts of the story and found endearing, the other parts were as much disturbing and insuffarable. in the way, i do appreciate flawed and fucked up characters and reading about them is something i’ve found myself to become quite fond of. none of the characters i hate nor do i love, i think it’s kind of the point too. some parts will make you resonate with them, others will make you want to gag them. it’s safe to say it’s complex read.

“The soothing thing about the sort of poetry he wrote was that it limited his choice of words."

if you are slightly interested in reading this book, i’d say go for it. who knows will you love it or hate it, or will it leave you with mixed feelings? i am glad i’ve read this book and the journey. maybe i’ll read some other franzen novel at some point, but i will definitely take a big break from him.

”Only once, and only because I was very young, could I have merged my identity with another person's, and singularities like this are where you find eternity.”