A review by andypeloquinauthor
Occupy Wrestling by Garrison Kelly


I was given this book for review, and from the moment I cracked into it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I have NEVER read a story that combines wrestling and fantasy before, so it's definitely one of a kind.
Like real wrestling, I kept asking myself, "Is this real?" When the characters did crazier and crazier things in their matches, I found it hard to believe it. And yet I loved every minute of it!
There were a few flaws in the story:
• The writing kept hopping between POVs. It shifts from one character to another, hops to a narrator's style of voice, then goes back in for a close-up POV. This inconsistency made it hard to read.
• The wrestling moves weren't explained. I understand that it would be way too complicated to explain all the wrestling moves in the text, but perhaps a glossary at the beginning or the end could help us understand it more.
• It was written by someone familiar with the world of wrestling, but without taking into account that not all readers would be as familiar. A lot of the expressions used were industry/sport-specific, but lacking in definition.
If I could use one word to describe this book, it would be "unique". Certainly not the deepest, most life-changing book I've read, but one heck of a good time. Look past the writing style, and just like wrestling, you just can't look away no matter how "over the top" it is.