A review by meganks9
Catching Echoes by Meghan Ciana Doidge


Catching Echoes is the first book in Doidge's new series, Reconstructionist. It can be read alone; Doidge gives enough back story to the characters that you will have a good understanding of who they are in the Adept world. However, that would be shame because you have a much more intimate look into the characters if you have read the other series.

Much like the first book in both the Dowser and Oracle series, Catching Echoes draws you in and leaves you wishing fervently that the next book in the Reconstructionist series was already out. Luckily for all Doidge is a faster writer than most so the wait between books is never too long.

Having read the previous books I went into this book with an intense love of Kett and a weary curiosity about Wisteria. She didn't seem friendly in the Dowser series and this book hints at details as to why she is that way while setting up the second book in the series for explanations. In a real life example, it's like someone who is actually a really friendly person, but has been burned one too many times OR has epic RBF, maybe both. I really liked her at the end of this book and I really enjoyed her interactions with both her cousin and Kett...but especially her cousin, there is a wealth of feeling between those two that is usually hard to convey in writing but Doidge manages to do just that.

As far as the ending, all I can say is that I didn't see it coming... in a good way. Looking back, there were subtle clues in the story (Doidge tends to do this with all of her books). That's all I'm going to say on that subject though. I am really looking forward to rereading this knowing what I now know. It's going to change the story for me and make it even better.