A review by yodamom
First Truth by Dawn Cook


I am a big fan of Kim Harrison, she is one of my top 5 authors. I had to try her Dawn Cook books, I found it very enjoyable. It is an easy to read, fantasy. The two main characters are from opposite sides of the track in this world. Alissa is stubborn, powerful with latent magic and naive. Strell is humorous, musical and stubborn. Both distrust each other, and think less of the other because of where they are from. They are forced to combine their journeys after events tear their families apart.There is some repetition I found grating on my nerves at times, but the story moves quickly. The relationship that grows is believable and follows a natural course for the time period.
I enjoyed the story, I could believe in the characters and their relationships, the world created and it's magic was new and exciting. I have already ordered the next book in the series.