A review by kirchersmiles
Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine by J.D. Frettier


Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife
(The Green Room Chronicles Book 1)

By J.D. Frettier

5 Amazingly Awesome stars

Oh my goodness, not sure where to start with this review...I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I clicked this book and I will admit that I judged it by the title and the cover..The cover is like Amazing and the size of the book had me thinking ok I have to take a chance on this...Well let me just say that I was right and I absolutely did not want it to end.

I'm not going to go into too much detail of the plot but I will say that I could picture Bonnie and in so many ways saw myself in her thoughts and her actions. Being married for well over half my own life had me feeling all the feels that went into this storyline and had me actually picturing it all in my mind...This author took just the right amount of word space to draw you in and completely understand the feelings and the happenings. My heart broke in some parts but in others I was laughing so hard at the channeling scenes...I think though that the thoughts she was having about her kids got me the most...I could seriously see me wanting to find a way to communicate things to my husband, kind of like a to do list when I'm gone for the kids...Now if you are thinking of reading this and just not sure...Take the chance...It was done in the most amazing way, still touching on the sadness, yet handling it all in a way that made it such a perfect read.

I've read a few things now by the author behind this name under other names...I'm now sitting here channeling my thoughts trying to let her know that she has a new forever fan, no matter what the book, what name she writes under she has made my automatic one click list and I can't wait to read the next, and I sincerely hope there are many more to come in the Green Room series because I will be first in line for all of them :)