A review by alyram4
Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin


3.75/4 rounding up

This book turned out to be better than I expected it to be, so I'm pretty happy about that! It was a quick read due to the story being easy to swallow. The pacing was a bit everywhere though: the beginning was incredibly fast, about 5 chapters in it becomes a good pace, sloooowwws down a ton once we reach the middle, and gradually build back up to a quick pace the closer we get to the end. I had major issues in the beginning and middle, as the pacing was just off to me. Another factor that went into that was that I was uninterested during a good chunk of these sections. I kept thinking to myself "when is it gonna get good again" even though the story going on in that portion was interesting. Luckily for this book, the characters are really what make this shine. Their individual stories, backgrounds, and characteristics were all wonderful. Some you love, others you love to hate, and there's 1 in particular where you just want to strangle them lol Characters are what made me bring my review up.

While the story was interesting, the pacing does get rocky in numerous sections throughout the book. However, characters really bring this home, and the way this book wraps up makes it all the better. I would be interested in seeing a sequel to this book, maybe not with the same MC but instead a different person. I'd love to know a bit more about this world and the outcomes of the finale.

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.