A review by andye_reads
Chasing Alliecat by Rebecca Fjelland Davis


I'm going to be honest, when I first heard that this book was about teens who mountain bike I was skeptical. But, I was wrong. Although I did think it was a little convenient that the only other girl she met also was a mountain biker, and then Joe came to live with her family and he rode mountain bikes as well. But, it's a story so whatever. I loved how strong Allie was, my favorite part was probably when she screamed her head off at Joe because he smoked, and after that he stopped. She always knew what she wanted, and she gave her all to get it. Also, the different levels to the story made it addictive. There was the mystery with the priest in the woods, the intense training for the race on July 4th, Allie was a puzzle all on her own, and then of course the chemistry between Allie and Joe or maybe it's Joe and Sadie or was it Sadie and Allie? You'll have to figure that one out on your own. Their strength and growth by the end of the book was amazing and inspiring.

What I didn't like about this book was the excessive cussing. I understand that almost every book on the planet has some profanity, but this seemed overboard and unnecessary. I felt like they were just cussing to cuss. And Joe, who I respected at the beginning for standing up for himself when Allie made fun of him for not cussing, ended up with just as dirty of a mouth as the other two, and they acted like it was some great thing that he'd finally gotten over it. By the end I found myself rolling my eyes every time they did because it was a new sentence, so of course it needed another cuss word.

Even though I know that sounds bad, I really did enjoy this book, and if the cussing wouldn't bother you, then I think it's a fantastic, exciting story that I would recommend to you. 
