A review by mpetruce
Mutation by Michael McBride


What a fun, over-the-top, ridiculous, genre-encompassing blast this series was. You like guns? Check. You like aliens? Check. You like monsters? Check. You like alien monsters? Double check. There's info dumps, science competency porn (one of my favorite tropes is you have, say, a botanist but the story needs someone to know about astrophysics, so the botanist says something to the effect of, "Well, this is not my field but..." and then gives a doctoral level explanation). I love it! Also, McBride is not afraid to kill off a character that you were sure would survive the whole series. If you're a fan of Preston/Child, James Rollins, Matthew Reilly, give these a go.

The narration sounds serious, but doesn't take itself too seriously. I listened to these while running, ad it made me look forward to my run even more, and was very motivating to get out, even in the cold weather, so I could listen more.