A review by tiffyofthemonts
The Chocolate Touch by Laura Florand


I love this book in the way I love some of my most favorite books, the ones that strike me hard and make me feel like I'm looking at a picture of myself in the mirror. So much of what I believe and want from life, love, and relationships is captured in this book and through its characters.

As overbearing and overwrought as Dominique and Jaime might be at times, I respect them both a hell of a lot and I see bits and pieces of myself and my insecurities in them, too. The story is dark and a little bit sad, particularly when compared to The Chocolate Thief, and there's holes in the plot, and the dialogue goes off the rails at times, and how many times do we have to revisit the same conversations?, but still, The Chocolate Touch leaves me feeling hopeful and pensive and wondering if there's a world in which a love like that could really exist.