A review by gr8reader
Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly


Martha Hall Kelly has a way of taking you along on these journeys, telling more than one story at once but in a way that you don't get confused. At times, you may want to read each storyline separately, but you don't. I found myself wondering what was happening in the lives of the 2 women whose story I was not reading about during a particular chapter. You may think you are able to predict what is going to happen and although you may predict a particular event, you have no clue of the details. After reading her 3 books, Hall Kelly has become a favorite author and I am looking forward to what she writes next. I also am a little sad to know that the Woolseys' story has ended. You do not have to read the books in the order they were written (which actually is in reversed chronological order). Also, each book stands alone in that you would not be confused in any way if you haven't read the other. Highly recommend.