A review by beejai
The Uncrowned King by Michelle West


Book one in this series details a coup in a kingdom (the Dominion) that has a blend of East Asian and Middle Eastern characteristics. Those heading up the coup have made an unholy alliance with a demonic like group (the Kin) who have agreed to aid the overthrow in return for the Dominion then warring with these demons against the Empire (Byzantium? here the analogy breaks down a bit more). This Dominion is ruled by a series of clans with one clan, Leonne, ruling over the others.

In their coup, the entire Leonne clan was wiped out with the exception of one man who was being held hostage in the Empire as part of the peace agreement from the previous war. This hostage suddenly finds himself as the legitimate ruler to the Dominion, but in order to take his inheritance, he must ally with the Empire as well as build support among those who have not bent the knee to the leaders of the coup. To do this he must prove that he is worthy both as a warrior and a "southerner".

To do this he chooses to enter the King's Challenge, a medieval decathlon type competition. This second book pretty much covers that competition. There are multiple assassination attempts along the way both by the demonic Kin and by those of the Dominion. The book is faster paced than book one but also it does not convey the greater sense of urgency and desperation found there. I miss the predominant role Serra Teresa and Serra Diora played (in this book they are virtually nonexistent) on the flip side Jewel, the mc in a parallel series plays a much bigger role and she is awesome.

In all, this book is very good but reading book 1 is a must and I would also recommend reading the first 3 books (but no further) in the House War series as well.