A review by beyondevak
Before We Kiss by Susan Mallery


Before We Kiss was a romantic comedy of sorts that took me completely by surprise. It started out with a bang and a laugh and it ended with a gigantic wahoo. It was funny, quirky, playful, with just the right amount of seriousness to create tension.

Fool's Gold was such a delightful place! I loved how the town rallied together and supported one another. The length and depth of their compassion were admirable.

Sam and Dellina's story...well, it was so sweet. Dellina was so patient and strong while still showing an air of vulnerability. Sam was likable and kind in his own way but insecure with matters of the heart. When these two came together, it just worked.

Sam's parents were hilarious! They took the cake, stole the show, and everything else. Lol... I loved Sam's reaction to their antics. I know it was uncomfortable for him, but it made for great reading. I'm glad he had Dellina on his side.

Once I got to the end of this book, I finally understood that it was a part of a series. Ha! Of course, that made me sit up. I plan on reading the whole series. It was just that enjoyable.

This book reminded me so much of another book i have read in the past, At Home in Mossy Creek. I love reading about communities where life, love, and relationships happen. Susan Mallery picked up a new fan today.

Rating: 4/5
Content: Mature
Audience: Adult

An e-copy of this title was made available for review in exchange for an honest critique. The words I have shared are my own.