A review by jasmyn9
A Night of Forever by Bronwen Evans


A Night of Forever takes us further into the events of Arend's kidnapping - which we see from others' perspectives in the previous book. It did take me a few moments to find my place in the timeline, but once I was settled I really enjoyed the story. Although, knowing part of the outcome did make it a bit less suspenseful for me.

Lady Isabel is the step-daughter of the woman the Libertine Scholars believe is trying to ruin and kill them. How could she not know what is going on when she is right in the middle of it all? Arend is determined to prove her collusion and is willing to take some rather extreme measures to do so. But or course this backfires, and he finds himself deeply intrigued by the lady.

There is a lot of action, and even though I knew how it was going to end already, there were a couple surprises along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed Lady Isobel. She had a quick wit and was fiercely loyal once she deemed you worthy of her trust.

I wasn't as fond as Arend, he's never been my favorite of the Libertine Scholars. A bit too roguish for my tastes - and too much of a blackguard to really seem like the hero. In fact, he's the one in need of rescue a few times. I'm all for a damsel rescuing her hero, but that isn't the case. In fact, she's rescued by someone entirely different (I hope he finds love) that I liked much better than Arend.

A great addition to the story of the Libertine Scholars, and sort of an end. There's still more to come and I can't wait to read it. As a series, it is near the top of my list for great reads.

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book**