A review by siavoosh
The Last Night of the Earth Poems by Charles Bukowski


I always saw myself as far away from being someone who reads Bukowski as you can get. I don't have anything against him, though, so when I read that one of the poems in this book was the inspiration behind the bird lines in Hozier's No Plan, I just thought. Well. I might as well give it a try. That song is practically my religion, and "Last Night of the Earth" sounds like something I'd want to read about. And I did give it a try, and I faithfully read 25% of it, and I actually enjoyed a whole lot. He sounds smart, and some of his lines did make me Feel. But I don't like how he always drags you through a long, boring, and quite unpoeting rant, just to give you that last punch in the guts, which usually isn't that strong to cover up for the boredom. Maybe I should've started with selected poems and not a complete book, especially when I knew he wasn't my type... It still deserves all the kisses and cupcakes in the world, though, for however little responsible it is for No Plan.