A review by dreamingofspaceships
Delta-V by Daniel Suarez


Has a bit of a slow start, until the actual space travel part of it starts. In the beginning it also felt like the book was going to make the Elon Musk-esque billionaire a heroic figure, but in the second half that plotline evolves and becomes a fascinating, much better story. I did feel like we could've done with more focus on a few more characters and less focus on the protagonist who was... not that interesting. But the other two viewpoint characters definitely shine through in their parts - would have been better to spend more time with the sadly short-changed Erica Lisowski from NASA. Same goes for the other astronauts and Lukas the space lawyer.

I mainly came for the hard sci-fi aspect and was not disappointed. The exposition work is brilliant and very readable. The book does a great job in explaining asteroid mining and why it will be an important step in becoming a spacefaring civilisation and also successfully uses that in making the reader care about the main characters and their mission.

Rounding up 3.5 stars to 4.