A review by malliakokkinos
Victoria Victorious: The Story of Queen Victoria by Jean Plaidy


I was originally really excited to read this book. I found it while looking for more novels about Tudor England and thought that it would be good to brand out to another monarchy. I guess I was wrong to start here.

Queen Victoria's story could be a good one. She was a much beloved queen. However, Jean Plaidy's book focuses on almost none of the reasons why she was adored by her people. All I got out of this book was that she was whiny and obsessed with her dead husband, her prime ministers, and her myriad of relations all over Europe.

In addition to this, the narrative is written in a way that is difficult to follow. It is very incongruous. Plaidy jumps from event to event without allowing you even the slightest notion as to the passage of time. You could end one paragraph in one year and start the next one five years later without even realizing it until you are twenty pages further along.

All in all, this book was a disappointment. I truly doubt I will be reading any of her other historical novels.