A review by mehsi
The Great Brain Robbery by P.G. Bell


The second book in the series and this time Suzy has to save Trollville from ABSOLUTE destruction!

This time I decided to read this one in English and this time it worked! YAY! No need to wait for the Dutch version for me. dances

Just like the other book in the series I will do a good/not so good.

-We are back in this amazing world and I just loved reading about Trollville, and various other new places that they visited in their quest to save Trollville.
-Suzy is back and this time she is all up to date with how a postie works. I loved that she read the guide so much that she can now quote things out of it.
-I loved seeing the new train with still some old heart in it. I had a big laugh that socks kept disappearing right off people’s feet when the train accelerated to a high speed. Thankfully the crew had plenty of socks left to grab when socks disappeared.
-I loved reading that Suzy took her physics to a new level, this time some imagination. I am glad that her parents did agree with her and were on her side, that made me so happy.
-I loved that we had two POVs, though of course Suzy was still my favourite.
-Fun illustrations that made the story come further alive!
-Cloudwright was just an amazing place with amazing things happening. I would love to visit that one for real.
-I loved the name of the person they meet in Cloudwright, such a fitting name, Cirrus.
-I loved the villain, he was perfectly villainous, and creepy. The author did a great job at writing him.
-I had a big big laugh at the beginning of the story when Suzy was talking to her parents and in the mean time looking at the time. And then plop her parents fell asleep.