A review by greta_mal
The Goodbye Kids by Debbie Iancu-Haddad

Did not finish book. Stopped at 70%.
Okay, so I read 70% of the book, and usually if I read more than 50% of the book and am still not clicking with it I push through and still finish it. But I just couldn't force myself to do it.

The characters aren't well-written - you do not get a clear idea of who Jorden is or what he trully wants even though you're reading from his pov.
And Haley doesn't have any qualities other than being insecure, naive, anti-social and plus size.

Now for the plot... It sounds very interesting when you read the blurb, but it isn't executed very well - sometimes there are 2+ week time skips, where stuff happens, and you only learn of it because of an off-hand comment by either Jorden or Haley. Also, sometimes the story gets too caught up on technical details and really it should focus more on the story unfolding.