A review by diaryofthebookdragon
The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey


I'm a fan of M.R. Carey, but somehow I did not notice The Book of Koli. Luckily, it got picked in 'SciFi and Fantasy Book Club' so I did not miss it.

When I started reading, at first I was not a fan. I planned to get it done but predicted a 2-star rating. But as the story developed I liked it more and more.
The Book of Koli is not like the rest of M.R. Carey's book I have read, which were all easy to read. It needs a bit of a slower reading so you can ponder over the wordplay.

✘ Man-killing plants and animals. It's partially explained, but I still could not buy it. (And, yes this is from the same person who read and liked [b:The Day of the Triffids|530965|The Day of the Triffids|John Wyndham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320530145l/530965._SY75_.jpg|188517]. :D)
✘ The main characters could have been better done. Some side-characters were more life-like to me than Koli. :D
✘ Almost every chapter ends in tension-builder. Like:
"And the times that was coming next was not what you would call good. Not for me anyway."

✔ Storytelling type of narration
✔ The use of language to show us how much time has gone by. I loved the subtle change of grammar and how some words/names changed through time. Like, when you read a book written 200-300 years ago and there are slight differences. Since this is the book from the future, it's logical that the English language is not the same.
✔ The way society has changed. I found >i>The Book of Koli to be, one of the most realistic books about post-apocalyptic society. (I am ignoring killer flora and fauna lol)
✔ Monono - I have a huge girl-crush. <3
SpoilerUrsala blinked. "Are you an AI?" she asked. "You don't sound like any of the ones I've heard."
"I have a cute Japanese accent," Monono said, "It's probably that."

This is one of those times when I wish Goodreads had 4.5 stars rating. The Book of Koli & [b:The Girl With All the Gifts|17235026|The Girl With All the Gifts (The Girl With All the Gifts, #1)|M.R. Carey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403033579l/17235026._SY75_.jpg|23753235] share #1 place on my M.R. Carey top list. :)
I will definitely read the sequel!