A review by isafrza
Hero by Lauren Rowe


Colby is literally and figuratively a freaking hero. First, because he’s a firefighter(HOT) runs into a house that is on fire and rescues a baby. He then jumps out of a window breaks a couple of things and is then in hospital with a breathing tube down his throat and then he meets his PT Lydia aka soulmate and wife. When he was conscious again they had a white-board to communicate and the last thing he wrote on that before he passed out du to the drugs the doctors gave him was “soulmate”. And he also rescues a woman from getting killed by her husband.

Lydia went through some tough shit. First her husband dies because he got shot in the head, because he was trying to save someone due to being a police officer and then she also finds out she is pregnant with their third child.

During their PT sessions Colby fell in love with Lydia. She did too but she couldn’t have a relationship with a patient cause it’s against the rule. THE POOL SCENE? where they had their first kiss? But they then went to Colby’s parents house and had sex there. VERY cool but because she had trauma she cried every time they had sex. Her therapist then suggests to not have any intercorse or kissing for 2 months and for Lydia just to tell Colby everything about her life. Which of course worked.

Lydia’s kids were amazing I loved them very much. AND I LOVED Colby’s siblings . They were all very funny and had ridiculous nicknames for each other.
LOVED the end. Together they had another child, Mia, and she got pregnant again with their fifth child.