A review by rebeccazh
Crown of Shadows by K.M. Shea


4.5 stars. another awesome KM Shea book! i can always trust her books to get me out of a reading slump.

i really love her first-person-pov books. this is really similar in tone to the [b:Magic Forged|51804106|Magic Forged (Hall of Blood and Mercy, #1)|K.M. Shea|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1582747084l/51804106._SY75_.jpg|76315029] series and it's a sort of spin-off series about one of the side characters that appeared in Hazel's trilogy, although you don't need to read the first series to read this.

it has the usual things i love about KM Shea's writing: feel-good, funny and lighthearted, an endearing and very likeable protagonist and fast-paced adventure. overall: really fun to read!

now i'm off to devour the second book.